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Do you need to set up a product test?
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What is a Product test: a case study

To launch a new product on the market, to propose an improved version or to understand the positioning of a product compared to its competitors, companies need qualitative and quantitative data that collect consumers’ opinions on the tested product.

For this reason, companies use the product testing.

The product testing consists in proposing to a representative sample of the population, a product already available on the market or a prototype of a new product in order to evaluate how much it is liked. Everything is done under the control of the manufacturing company. The result of this survey will make it possible to identify the product that in terms of shape, color, material or other is more liked among the reference target population.

It is very important to carry out this type of test as the consumer expresses their preferences and makes their own choices not only based on the objective performance of a product but also on the basis of less rational and more emotional aspects: the product test allows to investigate all the aspects that affect the choice.

Our experience in the field

15 bambini valutano nuovi occhiali da sole 

15 bambini valutano nuovi occhiali da sole 

All’inizio dell’estate, Testpoint ha svolto a Milano una  ricerca di mercato davvero particolare e interessante. Si è trattato di far valutare a 15 bambini, accompagnati da un genitore, degli occhiali da sole pensati specificamente per loro.   I...

200 bimbi assaggiano omogeneizzati di frutta. Un test domiciliare 

200 bimbi assaggiano omogeneizzati di frutta. Un test domiciliare 

Recentemente, Testpoint ha svolto a Milano e a Roma una interessante ricerca di mercato per valutare il gradimento di un nuovo omogeneizzato di frutta. La particolarità della ricerca era rappresentata dai protagonisti, bimbi molto piccoli, di età compresa tra i 6 e i...

Nuovi tablet? Un test quantitativo per testarli 

New tablets? A quantitative test to assess them 

Recentemente, Testpoint ha selezionato i partecipanti ad una ricerca di mercato molto interessante, un product test quantitativo, svoltosi a Roma in central location. Il test si proponeva di far valutare nuovi tablet, soffermandosi separatamente sul display e sulla...

How to evaluate the results of a test

In making its business decisions, a company can no longer ignore the consumer’s direct judgment on the product or the comparison made by the end customer with competitor products available on the market.

There are different testing techniques: it is up to the experience of those involved in market research to choose each time the most appropriate one to collect the opinions of the survey participants and summarize them so that they are useful to the client company.

Consumers can receive the products at home and test them: in this case a subjective opinion is required.

However, it may happen that companies also need objective opinions expressed by people with certain characteristics or with specific skills for the evaluation of a particular product.

For this reason, there are special facilities where the products can be tested in a more technical and specific manner, thus obtaining objective results to be submitted to the client companies (as in the case of our test carried out at the “TestPoint” location).

A mix of subjective and objective consumer opinions, well developed and interpreted by researchers, will offer manufacturers fundamental data on which to base their commercial choices.

Taking part in a product test

Taking part in a test can be very interesting and stimulating, as well as advantageous. Which of us would not like to receive at home and try out products we usually use?

By participating in the tests it is possible to evaluate cosmetic products, food products, technology devices and many other types of products.

After having tried the products, we will simply be asked to fill in a questionnaire (sometimes a paper questionnaire, sometimes an online questionnaire) in which we can sincerely give, anonymously, our opinions. In this way, each of us has the opportunity to “have their say”, offering companies the opportunity to create products that increasingly meet our needs.