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Recently, 200 citizens of OpinionCity were selected for an interesting home test. It was a product test carried out throughout Italy to evaluate some samples of shampoo for oily hair.

Home product tests and OpinionCity community

Citizens of OpinionCity are becoming more numerous every day and, through the reviews they send us about the products they use every day, they are always very attentive to the quality of what they consume.


For this reason, more and more often, having to carry out tests with home delivery of products throughout Italy, Testpoint turns to the community of OpinionCity.


Also for the test we are talking about today, a product test on some samples of shampoo for oily hair, the citizens of OpinionCity were invited to collaborate.


As always, it all began with a recruitment: all the members of the community received an invitation via email to participate in the test, then, those who met the selection criteria, and were therefore eligible for the test, were contacted by telephone for a more detailed screening: the Testpoint operators provided them with all the necessary explanations and information, clarifying any doubts.


In this way, 200 consumers, men and women, aged between 18 and 60, who are habitual users of shampoo for oily hair, were selected. Once the participants were chosen, Testpoint finally started the shipment of the packages.


Each of the participants received 3 samples of shampoo in small white bottles, absolutely anonymous, marked only with a code. Three weeks were planned for the full test. Each sample had to be used for a week according to normal usage habits and then respondents had to answer some simple questions through an online questionnaire. At the end of the three weeks scheduled for the test, the work had to be completed by answering some comparison questions among the three products used.

How the test was carried out

Let’s ask one of the participants to tell us about her experience. It is Elena, 35, married and mother of two girls, employed in a clothing store in the province of Bari.


“I have been a member of OpinionCity for a couple of years, I met this community because a friend of mine had signed up before me and she talked to me about it with great enthusiasm. Of OpinionCity I really like the fact that they ask you to test anonymous products, so that the brand does not affect the evaluation. Another important thing is that participants are never asked to advertise the products they test in any way.


This time I was selected to evaluate and compare three shampoo samples. I have oily hair and I am always looking for effective products that leave my hair clean and light, without being too aggressive. This is why I gladly participated in this test, with the certainty of being able to make a valid contribution.


I received a package containing three white bottles marked with a code. In the instructions I was explained in detail how to proceed: I had to test one product a week (I wash my hair two or even three times a week) in the order that was indicated and, at the end of each test week, I had to complete an online questionnaire for which I was given a link.


To make things easier, the package also included a hard copy of the questionnaire where I could take notes immediately after shampooing, so as not to risk getting confused. The important thing was to fill in the online questionnaire within the established time frame because after one week it expired and was replaced by the one relating to the following week’s product.


At the end of the three weeks of testing and after all three questionnaires had been filled in, a few questions had to be answered to compare the three products. It might seem like a complex job, but I assure you it is not, on the contrary, it is really fun. And then, it’s nice to feel useful to companies to improve the products we use every day”

Partecipare ai test: un’esperienza interessante

Chi è stato reperito per i nostri test si augura di essere selezionato nuovamente perché trova l’esperienza simpatica e utile: i partecipanti trovano molto interessante poter dare la propria opinione in modo che le aziende realizzino i loro prodotti ascoltando il parere dei consumatori.

Partecipa anche tu ai nostri test

Partecipare ad un test può essere molto interessante e stimolante.


Partecipando ai test, alcuni con invio gratuito di prodotti a domicilio, altri presso le nostre location, si ha la possibilità di valutare prodotti cosmetici, prodotti alimentari, tecnologici e di tante altre tipologie.


Dopo aver provato i prodotti, vi verrà semplicemente chiesto di compilare un questionario (a volte cartaceo, a volte online) in cui esprimere sinceramente, in forma anonima, le vostre opinioni. In questo modo, ognuno di voi ha la possibilità di “dire la sua”, offrendo alle aziende l’opportunità di realizzare prodotti sempre più adatti alle vostre esigenze.

Diventa cittadino di Opinion City!

Vuoi diventare anche tu un tester di prodotti di vario genere, ricevendo i campioni gratuitamente a casa tua? Vuoi offrire la tua opinione alle aziende contribuendo alla realizzazione di prodotti più vicini ai tuoi gusti?


E’ semplice: iscriviti alla community di Opinion City e sarai contattato per partecipare ai nostri product tests!


Tanti rispondono ai nostri questionari e tantissimi aspettano con impazienza di essere selezionati per un nuovo test. Che fare per avere più probabilità di essere selezionati? La risposta è: dopo esserti iscritto compila e aggiorna le nostre OpinionCity card oppure guarda qui tutti i modi per incrementare il tuo punteggio