In Milan, Bologna, Rome and Naples,1,000 people were involved in a particular test during the month of July to evaluate the effectiveness of after-sun products. After a week of use, everyone fill out an online questionnaire. This was a particular home product test.
Assaggi e non solo
To find out what consumers think about a particular product, often companies collect information using the so-called product tests. Selected consumers are asked to taste food products, to try household cleaning products, to test products for personal care, etcare asked to taste food products, to try household cleaning products, to test products for personal care, etc.
In a product tests , a representative sample of the population is required to assess a product already available on the market or a new prototype in order to evaluate how much they like it. The product test is essential for companies as it allows to investigate all the subjective and objective aspects that affect the choice and purchase behaviours.
These tests can be carried out directly at the home of each participant – according to the normal way they use the product – or at special facilities where the samples can be evaluated in a more scientific and rigorous way.
How the test was conducted
Testing after-sun products immediately makes us want to be on vacation! In particular, an after-sun lotion should give the skin a feeling of relief and well-being after the exposure to the sun, fight skin aging and accentuate the tan.
In the test we are talking about today, 1000 people were involved across four cities – Milan, Bologna, Rome and Naples – to evaluate 4 different prototypes of after-sun lotion. These were people who in July would have spent a week at the beach or who would have sunbathed continuously for a week to.
For each product, participants were asked to evaluate the texture, the fragrance, the refreshing and soothing action, the ability to prevent redness.
All respondents collected the samples (the bottles were de-branded, that is, without a brand and identified only by a code) and, after the trial week, they returned them and filled out an online questionnaire.
In this particular case, to answer the questionnaire each respondent had to access a link, without providing their personal details but identifying themselves with a code, an ID, to guarantee anonymity. The data collected was then processed in order to offer the company important elements to guide it in its commercial choices.